Frequently Asked Questions:
Group obedience dog trainers Method:
Group obedience is about the worse way to train your dog.
Don't be fooled by Amateur and Rookie dog trainers into believing
Group obedience class will help your dog. They almost always make problems worse.
Classes are ineffective for solving most problems in the home. Most dog
Owner’s in-group obedience has no control of their dogs. All it takes is one
Dog attack in a group class, to make your dog, dog aggressive for life,
Group classes are sometimes dangerous, and often could make aggression worse.
It is difficult getting your dog trained in the pet shop or at the
Park with ten other dogs lunging and snapping at him or her. But
Don’t take our word go see it for yourself, at a group class at your local pet store
Or park. Group classes often stress- dogs and make them fearful. Which
Causes a host of undesirable behaviors at home such as self-dominane.
Group classes have it backward. By putting distraction first. Classes
Make dogs resistant to obedience, when you need results and are paying
Good money, don't waste your time with Amateur dog trainers. Pickup
Your phone and call a true professional at amazing k-9 training. When dog owners
Change dog problems end.
Private Lessons vs. Group Lessons:
Private Lessons: It is our philosophy that dogs benefit from private lessons more then group lessons. Because there are less distractions in private lessons it allows our trainers to design a program specifically for your dog. Private lessons also allows the trainers to work "One On One" with the dog owner and the dog. We believe a well trained owner will continue with our professional techniques.
Group Lessons: We believe group lessons have more distractions because there are more people and more dogs. This will effect the ability to concentrate for those dogs that are hyperactive. If you have a fearful dog group lessons will not develop their confidence. Group lessons also cut down on a trainers time and the ability to train and work on real live situations that you and your dog will face in every day life.
Group Lessons best benefits are people and dog socialization for those dogs that are people and dog aggressive. Group lessons are less expensive then private lessons, remember however that "you get what you pay for".
Conclusion: Private lessons quality of training far better at an affordable and reasonable rate.